Financial Resilience
The Queensland Financial Resilience Program (QFRP)
The Queensland Financial Resilience Program (QFRP) can help you build a bright financial future. QFRP is a tailored program to suit your needs.
Budget and prioritise expenses/Identify financial risk/Negotiate with creditors /Know where to go for help.
Financial services and support/Financial literacy and skills development/Affordable housing and health.
Proactively manage and understand debt/Establish savings/Not borrow for daily expenses/Access no interest loans (NILs).
Absorb financial shocks/Meet your financial goals/Make choices that enable you to enjoy life.
More information
- The financial resilience worker will assess a person presenting financial, personal and any other relevant circumstances; provide information and options, agree and obtain client consent for referrals
- Provide the service response based on the needs of the client, including assistance to access the No-Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).
- Help clients to build skills to avoid or resolve financial difficulties and strengthen their capacity to manage their money by providing information and support access to grants, benefits, utilities relief, rent support relief and other measures to resolve and alleviate financial stress.
- Where required undertake referrals and connect the client to internal or external services that are right for them and based on their needs.
- Promote financial resilience and ensure clients have access to financial literacy through a range of educational, developmental, and support services.
- Develop and maintain relationships with community groups and other services to enable early intervention and appropriate referral pathways.
- Provide financial capability development programs through one-on-one budgeting support and through facilitation of group training.
For further advice please visit: Good Shepherd & The Queensland Government